JWB is an internationally known bowyer, located in the New York Catskill Mountains, who embraces the craft traditionally. His methods are rooted in history as he processes all his materials by hand -- from harvesting and processing the wood from the forest, making his own glue from fish air bladders and flakes of tendon, untwisting and flattening horn into plates, and always varying fabrication techniques from various cultures around the globe. Jason’s repertoire ranges in eras and locations around the world: from the Asiatic and Eurasian composite horn bows to the long bows, recurves, and other individual styles of the indigenous peoples of Northern Europe and North America. Each JWB Bow is unique, crafted by hand, and roots into a heritage shared by humans across the earth. You can find us on FACEBOOK , INSTAGRAM, and YOUTUBE.
JWB Bows is extremely grateful for all those who have and continue to inspire, teach, and support the craft.
Sean Beever, Engineer & Woodworker
Woody Blackwell, Stone Tools
Dr. Zoran Pavlović, Historian
Field+Supply, Stone Ridge, NY, U.S.A.
Filson, New York City, NY, U.S.A.